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Eby Customs offers show quality custom motorcycle painting for Harley Davidsons and all motorcycle  makes.  We use PPG and House of Kolor exclusively.   We offer detailed airbrushing and graphic paint  jobs.  Located in Michigan.
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How To 1
How To 2
How To 3
How To 4
How To 5
How To 6
With the masking pulled off and the 
stripes of the flag almost finished at this point, the 
eagle is started and the helicopter drawing is 
positioned to get the general idea of 
where it will end up painted on.
Before we start the helicopter, we need to 
finish the stripes on the other side of the eagle.  
I mark the stripes for reference. 
We’ve added a silhouette scene under where the helicopter will go.  I want to get all the background images in before I start the helicopter.  The helicopter area is masked off and when the background is finished, the helicopter mask will be removed and we’ll mask off the background to protect it from any overspray.
From this point, there is a lot of masking involved and lots of little detail work.  
If I tried to explain and show you every step, I’d have a book instead of what started as a short story.   Here’s a few shots of the heli being painted.
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